What is PSYCH-K ?
Our subconscious mind is equivalent to the most complex computer system on the planet. It remembers every person we’ve ever met, every place we’ve ever been to, and everything we’ve ever seen. Like a computer, our subconscious mind is equipped with a vast amount of data (i.e. beliefs and memories) some of which are preventing us from living the life we desire. PSYCH-K® is a modality which allows us to shift these limiting beliefs and/or transform the perception of “stress” (TPS) from past memories, present and/or future concerns. These beliefs and/or perceptions can often be the root of our current physical, emotional and/or spiritual dis-ease.
Recent scientific research shows that at least 95% of our life is automatically operated by our subconscious mind without us noticing it. Some of these belief systems are self-enhancing, while many of these belief systems are self-limiting. With that as fact, we see how our outdated programs continuously work against our conscious minds as we try to pave new realities for ourselves that feel more in line with who we are or who we want to become.
PSYCH-K® is a very simple process that fast-tracks improvement in the areas of grief/loss, self-esteem, relationships, spirituality, personal power and prosperity over the more consciously based traditional methods of visualization, positive thinking, affirmations, and willpower.
PSYCH-K® uses a unique blend of various contemporary and ancient tools, derived from neuroscience research to help us reach our full potential. It’s a process done with a facilitator to reprogram the subconscious mind through “balances” so the subconscious mind and the conscious mind can work together in unison. This effective method has been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of people around the world for over 35 years.
Examples of what you can work on:
Belief Systems
*Subconscious Programing
Life is hard.
I’m not good enough.
I am not safe.
*Anything Non-Physical
(ie mental, emotional or spiritual)
death of a loved one
*Anything Physical
body image

What to expect from a session?
PSYCH-K® sessions are 60 minutes long and are done in person or on a zoom call. In the first 10-15 minutes, we will discuss how your current situation/condition (problem) is not working for you and how you would rather feel about it. From there we craft goal statements and/or use TPS to achieve your desired outcome.
For Example...
What is the problem?: “Currently, my day is filled with the chaotic feeling that there are not enough hours in the day, and I am inefficiently running around, unable to get through my To-Do List.”
Current Beliefs: There are not enough hours in the day to get through my To-Do List. I am not efficient with my time.
What do you want instead?: “I would rather feel calm and capable of getting things checked off my To-Do list.”
Goal: I am calm while I efficiently get through the items on my To-Do List.
Then we “install” your new goal by using a type of muscle testing (applied kinesiology) to communicate with your subconscious mind coupled with a unique PSYCH-K® “balance” to reprogram the old belief system and get you to your desired reality. Depending on the complexity of your issue, we may be able to work on more than one issue in the same session.