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At Whole Health Holistics, we work to bring the physical, energy, emotional, and spirit bodies into balance. We believe a "whole health" approach is necessary for preventative care and getting to the root cause of our symptoms/illnesses. The modalities we utilize are Thermography, Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code and PSYCH-K®.
Thermography, also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is an FDA registered, safe (no radiation), non-invasive (pain free) test of physiology that measures the radiant heat emitted from the body with tens of thousands of temperature readings per scan. Since there is a high degree of thermal regularity in a normal, healthy body, divergent increases or decreases can detect potential risk markers or pre-conditions of disease or injury.

PSYCH-K® is a process done with a facilitator to reprogram the subconscious mind through “balances” so the subconscious mind and the conscious mind can work together in unison. It is an easy, fast, and effective method that has successfully been used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world for over 35 years.
Rewiring our subconscious belief systems through PSYCH-K® can have a positive impact on our self-confidence, spiritual connections, financial status, relationships, career choices, and even our health and physical conditions.

Belief Code
The Belief Code can be used as a stand alone method or an add on to a Body Code session. This modality allows the practitioner to "tap into the subconscious mind in order to identify and release unwanted beliefs, reverse or replace negative systems of thought, and create space for new empowering beliefs!"
The Belief Code offers us a way to uproot and identify these subconscious belief systems, and to install positive statements that allow us to align our conscious and subconscious beliefs. With these alignments in place, making changes to our current reality becomes easier, and we become more successful at achieving the lives we desire.

Emotion Code & Body Code
These two state-of-the-art energy healing modalities address the imbalances stored in the subconscious mind. While the Emotion Code helps us identify and release the emotional “baggage” from negative past events, The Body Code takes us on a deeper exploration into six different areas where imbalances may be present: energy body, body circuits and systems, toxins, pathogens, misalignments, and nutrition.